Lightflows create motion graphics for The Bionic Vet

The Bionic Vet promotional image

This week sees the launch of a new series on BBC1 – ‘The Bionic Vet’,  a documentary series looking at the work of ‘bionic vet’ Noel Fitzpatrick, who is pioneering revolutionary new surgical techniques to save and improve the lives of pets from all over the country.

Working with the Wild Productions’ director Jim Incledon, Lightflows created the motion graphics for each episode of the six part series, which help explain the pioneering surgery and techniques used by Noel Fitzpatrick at his practice Fitzpatrick Referrals.

Using MRI and CT scan data from cases at Fitzpatrick Referrals , we recreated Noel Fitzpatrick’s pioneering operations using 3D animation,  resulting in stunning, moving, 3D XRay’s.

In addition to the graphics for the show, we also helped with the series photography taking a number of portraits of Noel and his team.

The first episode screens this Wednesday 30th June at 10:45pm on BBC1 and features Oscar the cat, who’s feet were lost in a farming accident. The show follows Noel in his quest to restore Oscar’s mobility by replacing his feet with Bionic implants.

For more programming information visit the BBC’s website.

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