Lightflows achieves ISO 27001 Certification

Our team is delighted to announce that we have passed our ISO 27001 Certification!

Over the last year, we have been working diligently to ensure our commitment to security, and we are proud to say we have achieved it.

This represents a significant milestone for us, as security has consistently ranked among our top priorities, with ISO 27001 certification being a long-standing aspiration. Our steadfast commitment to maintaining a consistently high level of security has now been formally recognised, and it’s rewarding to mark this achievement within our company.

Our Information Security Management System (ISMS) is the cornerstone of our commitment to data security and client trust. This encompasses establishing a robust supplier management process, conducting security training for our staff, formalising secure coding practices, and upholding high standards in information processing to safeguard our clients’ data. These components form the foundation of our comprehensive approach to information security.

Our ISO 27001 certification serves as a testament to our dedication to safeguarding. We are pleased to say that all our clients can be confident that their data will be our top priority, knowing that we have achieved ISO 27001 certification, demonstrating our unwavering dedication to maintaining these rigorous standards across all sections of our operations.

If you’re interested in learning more about this standard, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

Contact us here.

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