Innovative, custom and bespoke web apps

Lightflows are web app development company covering Surrey & London, With more than 16 years of experience delivering beautifully designed, and useable custom web applications. We accelerate your web application development projects and provide modern, technology-driven solutions through successful partnerships and collaboration with your internal team. Our forward-looking approach is result-driven, focusing on helping our clients achieve their goals more quickly.


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We’re a web app development company in London

In today’s working environment, web applications – AKA web apps or web-based software – are ubiquitous and can help businesses solve various challenges. From entirely new product ideas to digitally transforming internal processes or legacy systems, we can help.

Our web development company specialises in developing custom web app solutions such as CRM systems, ERP systems, and client service portals to streamline your operations and reduce administrative burdens. With years of experience, we are collaborative and always listen to our partner’s needs to provide the best possible recommendations. Let us help you achieve your business goals by lending our expertise and commitment to delivering top-quality web applications.

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Back-end Web app technologies

We have several go-to technologies and frameworks we can recommend. Of course, every project is different and we discuss the pros and cons of various approaches before making a selection with you.

Node.js web development logo


A powerful JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 engine, enabling server-side scripting and scalable network applications.

View Node.js services

Laravel web development logo


Laravel is a popular PHP framework known for its elegant syntax and robust features, simplifying web application development.

View Laravel services

Symfony web development logo


Symfony is a flexible PHP framework that promotes reusable components and best practices, accelerating the development of high-quality web applications.

Ruby on Rails web app development logo

Ruby on Rails

A dynamic web application framework that emphasises convention over configuration, enabling rapid development and maintainable code.

View or Ruby on Rails services

Next.js Web app development


A powerful framework for building server-rendered React applications, providing a seamless development experience and enhanced performance.

View our NEXT.js services

.NET web development logo


A versatile framework for building web and desktop applications using multiple programming languages, ensuring performance, security, and scalability.

View our .NET services

Front-end Web app technologies

TypeScript web development logo


A strongly-typed superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and advanced features to enhance code quality and maintainability.

View our TypeScript services

Javascript Web Development


JavaScript is a versatile programming language that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications with ease.

View our Javascript Development Services

React Web Development


A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, enabling developers to create reusable UI components and efficient rendering.

View our React services

Vue.js Web development


A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, known for its simplicity, flexibility, and seamless integration capabilities.

View our Vue.js services

HTML 5 Technology Logo


The latest version of the Hypertext Markup Language, providing enhanced features and improved functionality for building modern web applications.

CSS3 technology logo


The latest version of Cascading Style Sheets, offering advanced styling capabilities and animations to enhance the visual appeal of web pages.

Web App Developers, Accelerated project delivery and team augmentation

We understand the challenges and complexities of delivering software, so hiring a specialist team of custom web app developers accelerates your product delivery.

We work with our partners in several ways. Whether you have a project you’re starting from scratch, or the need to augment or support your team, we can help; We work with you to plan, architect, and build your system. Or we can do it all—designing, architecting, and developing your system.

We’ll collaborate and work with your CTO, IT and internal development teams to accelerate the delivery of projects, delivering innovative and functional bespoke web-based software.

Whichever way you work, however, your team is structured, we can help. We’ll lend our expertise and knowledge of technology to projects, and deliver to your advantage.

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Web app business benefits

A bespoke, or custom web app has all the benefits of traditional software, except  it is cost-effective, easily accessible and scales with your businesses needs. We’ve delivered innovative web apps to companies in many industries, including finance, technology, construction and recruitment. Partner with us for accelerated software delivery and a stress-free experience when building your product.

Cost savings

Web apps can be developed and distributed quickly,  which can help to keep development costs down.


Custom web apps can adapt and change as business needs change, ensuring that the software can grow with your company. Scalable server architecture allow you to dial resources up and down at will.

Speed of development

With many open source frameworks, building blocks and powerful toolkits, we can build custom software solutions quickly, allowing businesses to get their products to market faster.


Well architected web apps ensures that your software is reliable, reducing the need for costly maintenance and making it easier to identify and fix bugs.

Web App Security

Our security team employ features that protect against common web vulnerabilities, giving business owners peace of mind knowing that their and their customer’s data will be safe and secure.

Third-party integration

Web apps can be integrated with many other services such as payment gateways, marketing tools, and more, giving businesses access to a wide range of functionality to enhance their software.


Want to see examples of our web apps?
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Web application development for Start-ups

Perhaps you are a startup owner or non-technical founder with a great idea, but unsure about the technology or team required to execute it? That’s where we come in.

We’ve helped several founders realise their vision. With our conveniently located team of web app developers in London and Surrey, we’re perfectly placed to help startups and Fintech companies. Having worked with many startup businesses, we understand your challenges are different from those of established companies.

When starting a new business or venture,  having a team on hand who have been through the process in invaluable. With our experience we can accelerate your time to market with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) , then quickly iterate on new product features. We help realise your vision in a cost-effective and agile way. We have a tried and tested process realising your ideas in a manageable and stage driven way.  Lean on our team’s experience and accelerate your web app project.

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Customer portal web applications

One of the many types of web applications, our customers come to us for, are customer portals. We’ve helped several businesses increase their customer service, loyalty and brand awareness by developing custom business software and reducing costs by operating their services via a customer portal.

Customer portal business software can provide access to information and services even outside of business hours. There are many benefits of having a customer service portal, including:

  • Improved communications. By directing customers to your messaging centre, you improve efficiency and keep all conversations in one place.
  • Give clients access to private information without contacting you; electronically share policies, statements, and other documents.
  • Document exchange. Allow customers to upload large files directly to you without file transfer services.
  • Deliver entirely new service lines

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Lightflows have done a great job for HomeViews and I couldn’t recommend them highly enough.


Olly McGinn

COO, Co-founder HomeViews

A big thank you to the whole team that worked with us to achieve this!


Peter Hamilton

CEO, 123 Sheets

I’ve collaborated the Lightflows team on several large-scale website projects and can recommend without hesitation.


Phil Wareham

Senior Designer

Read all of our reviews on Google and Clutch

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Here are just a few examples of web applications.

Progressive web apps

Progressive web apps are a specific type of web application that brings a web-based application closer to the experience of a native app from an app. They are a convenient way of delivering app-like functionality with less of the cross-platform app development hassles.

Responsive web apps

Responsive web apps allow your application to run on any device, from phones to tablets and desktops. However the application is being accessed, our design team will ensure it works perfectly across all devices, and your customers or users have the best experience.

Business applications & web app development services London

We’ve touched on a few types on web applications, here are some of the other web application development services that we have to offer

  • Minimum Viable Products (MVP)
  • Platforms and SaaS products
  • Bespoke CRM & ERP Systems
  • Customer Portal Software
  • Operational Systems
  • Security, including web application penetration testing.
  • Web application support & maintenance
  • Web application hosting

Industry specific web applications

We have delivered projects to companies in many sectors.
In this section you’ll find details of this experience, that may be relevant to you.

FinTech Web Apps, Financial Services web applications

Financial web applications are an essential part of modern financial services, offering users a range of tools to manage their finances. Some of the popular financial web applications include insurance, financial management software, portfolio tracking, wealth management, and finance calculators. These apps can help users make informed decisions about their investments, track their spending, and plan for their financial future.

Web Apps for Startups and SaaS web applications

Startups are always looking for ways to innovate and disrupt traditional industries. One example is a new concept in property, a review site developed from scratch. This type of software can help buyers and sellers make informed decisions by providing user-generated reviews of properties, neighbourhoods, and estate agents.

Hospitality Technology and Apps

The hospitality industry is also taking advantage of web applications to streamline operations and improve customer experience. Applications for bookings, membership, and loyalty are becoming increasingly popular. These apps can help hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses attract and retain customers, while also providing them with a more personalised experience.

PropTech Web Apps – Construction

The construction industry is also benefiting from web applications, particularly sales suite experience software. This software can help builders showcase their properties to potential buyers, providing them with an immersive and interactive experience. This can help builders close deals more quickly and efficiently, while also providing buyers with a more engaging and informative experience.

So, whether you need a custom web application developed from scratch or an existing solution updated and optimised, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn how we can help you solve your business challenges and build innovative web applications that drive business growth.

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Articles about web applications

Frequently Asked Questions

There will always be many questions when choosing a partner and software solution. Here we’ve listed some of the most frequently asked questions at the agency about web application development.

Web apps, or web applications, are software programs that are stored on remote servers and delivered over the Internet through a browser interface. Unlike traditional desktop applications, which need to be installed on the user’s computer, web apps can be accessed through the web browser, requiring no installation on the user’s device.

Web apps are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and can be accessed using various web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc. They run on a web server, and the user interacts with them via a web client.

Central London Office:

We’re located at: 1-2 Paris Garden in Southwark, London. SE1 8ND

Southwark Underground station is 5 minutes walk
For overground we’re less than 10 minutes from Waterloo

You’ll also find us at: The Surrey Technology Centre, 40 Occam Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7YG

There’s a free Shuttle to the park from Guildford Station, we can arrange this for you ahead of time.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a type of web application that use modern web technologies to provide a user experience that is similar to a traditional or native mobile app. PWAs can be thought of as a hybrid between regular web pages (or websites) and a mobile application.

They are designed to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices.

Here are some key features of PWAs:

  1. Progressive: They work for every user, regardless of browser choice, because they’re built with progressive enhancement as a core tenet.
  2. Responsive: They fit any form factor, desktop, mobile, tablet, or whatever is next.
  3. Connectivity Independent: Enhanced with service workers to work offline or on low-quality networks.
  4. App-Like: They mimic the interaction and navigation of native apps.
  5. Fresh: Always up-to-date thanks to the service worker update process.
  6. Safe: Served via HTTPS to prevent snooping and ensure content hasn’t been tampered with.
  7. Discoverable: They are identifiable as applications thanks to W3C manifests and service worker registration scope allowing search engines to find them.
  8. Re-engageable: They make re-engagement easy through features like push notifications.
  9. Installable: Allow users to “keep” apps they find most useful on their home screen without the hassle of an app store.
  10. Linkable: Easily shared via a URL and do not require complex installation.

Twitter, Pinterest, and Starbucks, among others, have progressive web apps that offer offline functionality and almost identical features to their native apps.

No at all. Whilst you can outsource your web development to us, we don’t outsource any of our development work. As web app developers with offices in London and Surrey, we’re a 100% UK based web development company. All of our engineering team and web developers are based here in the United Kingdom, at either our London or Surrey offices.

What is web development?

Web development is the process of building and maintaining websites. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from creating simple, static web pages to developing complex, dynamic web applications. It includes both front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) development.

What is web app development?

Web app development is a specialized area within web development focused on creating application-like programs that run on a web server and are accessed through a web browser. These are typically more complex and interactive than standard websites.

What are the key differences in skills required for web development and web app development?

While both fields require knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, web app development often demands a deeper understanding of advanced web technologies and frameworks (like React, Angular, Vue for front-end; Node.js, Laravel or .NET for back-end), as well as expertise in areas like state management and dynamic content.

Can a web development company build a web app?

Yes, a web developer or company can build a web app, especially if they have the necessary skills in advanced web technologies and frameworks. However, building complex web apps requires specialised knowledge in web app development.

Examples of web applications include social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, TikTok), email services (e.g., Gmail, Outlook), e-commerce sites (e.g., Amazon, eBay), online banking platforms, CRMs such as HubSpot, productivity tools such as, Asana, even popular everyday sites such as AirBnb, Uber and Lyft have several web apps as part of their platform.

Web applications typically consist of a client-side component (i.e., the user interface) and a server-side component (i.e., the back-end logic). The client-side component is executed in the user’s web browser, while the server-side component is executed on a web server.

What technologies are used to build web applications? Web applications can be built using a variety of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various web frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue on the front-end, and server-side languages such as PHP, Python, and Ruby on Rails on the back-end.

Web applications are highly accessible and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. They can also be easily updated and maintained without requiring users to download or install new software.

While a website is a collection of web pages that provide information about a particular topic or organisation, a web application is a software program that allows users to perform specific tasks or functions. Web applications typically have more complex functionality than websites and require more sophisticated programming and design.

Responsive design is a design approach that ensures that web applications are optimised for different screen sizes and devices. It is important for web applications because it ensures that users can access and use the application on any device, from smartphones to desktop computers.



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