Better connections, better teaching: Supply made simple
Flexiteach is an innovative platform designed to support and enhance teaching and learning experiences. With a focus on adaptability, Flexiteach caters to both in-person and remote learning, empowering teachers to create engaging content and fostering an immersive, student-centered approach to education.

Short-term hiring solutions
Hiring teaching talent
Flexiteach provides short-term hiring solutions, allowing teachers and administrators to quickly and painlessly arrange last-minute cover. They even allow schools to permanently hire teachers found on their app, free of agency fees.
Comprehensive digital solutions for education
Seamless app and website solutions for educators
The company came to us in 2016. As well as both a mobile and desktop app with which to run their services, Flexiteach also needed a brochure website to provide information. The website needed to serve a dual purpose: an interface for registered users, and a shop window to display information about their service.
The app needed to be developed on desktop, iOS and Android to ensure full accessibility. Teachers and administrators both needed to access the app and be presented with the relevant interface. Flexiteach wanted the app to be intuitive, functional and quick.
The solution
The key to success? Efficiency
We considered a huge variety of factors when working on the Flexitech project. Each of the applications had to work together in order to create a quick and efficient tool that could handle large traffic numbers.
We built one app with two login options: teachers and administrators. We chose to do this instead of creating two separate apps for a number of reasons, including ease of integration, user experience and simplicity. It was important to make every step of the journey as easy for the user as possible.
One of the major selling points of the app is the ability to select prefered teachers and schools. Using this function, teachers are able to differentiate easily between job offers in schools they have worked with before and job offers from new schools. Likewise, hirers are able to quickly select their list of prefered teachers when sending out a job offer, enabling them more control than with an agency, for example.
Smart tools paired with intuitive design
Innovative features and a user-friendly design
We built various interesting features and functions into the Flexiteach website. One of which is the “Pay Calculator”. Teachers are able to specify their daily rate and the number of days they normally work. The calculator will then give the teacher an estimate of their weekly earnings based on the information provided. This function was built for ease of use, in that it allows teachers to make informed decisions.
We designed the homepage to present all the required information clearly and simply. To achieve this we used a large variety of images and graphics, including the visual display of the app and it’s functionalities.
The results
Not just reaching goals, but exceeding them
The Flexiteach app continues to succeed in its goals, and functions perfectly. Once finished, the app was re-built for each platform: iOS, Android and desktop. The apps user base continues to expand and grow, as does the business.