
Retained response to critical incident trauma





Next.js development services

React Native

React.js development company

Psychological first aid tool for organisations

SafeHaven is a UK-based company that specialises in providing critical incident stress management (CISM) and trauma-focused mental health services to businesses and organisations.

Creating an intuitive app for PTSD support

Turning SafeHaven’s vision into a seamless app

SafeHaven approached us with a vision but no existing  product. They have an exceptional suite of services that provide private and public organisations with comprehensive solutions to care for the psychological welfare of people after a critical incident. They needed an application that offered employers access to lessons aimed at combating PTSD. We wanted to create a platform that could be used across several devices including mobile, tablet and desktop making it accessible to all.

We worked closely with SafeHaven to understand their vision, and how we could best achieve that. After understanding their key goals, we focused on creating a user-friendly interface that aligned with their objective of prioritising mental health in the workplace.

Building SafeHaven’s app from scratch

Creating a seamless cross-platform solution

With SafeHaven having no current application, it was our challenge to develop a functional user-friendly app from scratch ensuring it would work well across both web and mobile applications.

We chose React Native to build the mobile app, as it is a cross-platform framework that allows for fast development of native applications for both iOS and Android. React Native offers flexibility and its vast library of eco-systems made it a great choice for creating a seamless user experience across platforms.

The web app was developed using React.js with the Next.js framework. We chose these technologies due to their ability to create high-performance web applications. Next.js’s robust features and React.js’s component-based architecture made the development process efficient and allowed for building a dynamic and scalable user interface.





Successful launch of SafeHaven’s scalable solution

After careful planning, both the web app and the mobile app were successfully launched and are now providing a seamless experience for companies and their employees. They provide SafeHaven with a scalable solution supporting future growth.


24/7 support for employee well-being

We successfully built both the web and mobile app from scratch creating  access to response services and expertise 24/7 for companies and their employees. This creates a valuable resource which is accessible whenever it is needed ensuring continuous support and well-being for users at all times.

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